Entries from 2018-08-01 to 1 month

The company that unveiled a $2 million electric car makes one for $11,000, too

The 64 horsepower four-door takes 14 seconds to reach 37 miles per hour, or 60 kilometers an hour, and has a top speed of just 50 miles per hour. Related: With the Jaguar I-Pace, electric SUVs are off to a great start It's perfectly legal …

List of Disabilities | Buzzle.com

What is surprising though, is that most people...How to Use Crutches ProperlyNo idea how to use crutches? Go through this article which will be helpful in giving you a low down related to that. https://www.buzzle.com/articles/disabilities/…

Repairs :: Testing A Fuel Pump

Fuel pumps have a check valve that prevents the fuel from draining back into the tank when the engine is shut off. You'll need a fuel pressure gauge and the adapters to fit your vehicle. If your diagnostics lead you to believe you have a f…