Entries from 2018-03-01 to 1 month

Verizon Hum Rider rises above traffic

As it rises into the air, the lifts spread wide enough to straddle small cars, while a four-camera system gives the driver a bird's eye view.http://www.foxnews.com/auto/2017/03/21/verizon-hum-rider-rises-above-traffic.htmlVerizon has built…

Hepcidin in human iron disorders: diagnostic implications.

Physiol Res 2006;55:667-74. (182.) Tussing-Humphreys LM, Nemeth E, Fantuzzi G, Freels S, Holterman AX, Galvani C, et al. Hereditary hemochromatosis: genetic complexity and new diagnostic approaches. AAPS J 2010;12:646-57. (23.) Merle U, Fe…

Diesel Exhaust Failure To See The Color Check And Maintenance - Engine, Exhaust, Color

Caused by a bad injector working smoke emission phenomena in low-speed diesel engine running more apparent. 2, fuel oil in the mix.3, piston ring counterparts, 4, in the body leading to very near the cylinder head gasket oil burning.3, the…